Thursday, May 21, 2009


Well, I new today was going to be challenging. And it was. I now days like these come, but I still find myself being thankful. Thankful for monotony, for a healthy body that can train my children (and fail.) But I am able and I am thankful for days like today that remind me I need Him every hour of every day and that I will fail and have to stop and ask Him to take over again and do things as He sees fit. I am also grateful that He made night time :) and gives us a break from learning for a bit. Tomorrow will be a new day (if God wills it) and we will try again...thankfully.


Holly said...

not that I'm one to talk, because I am still potty training 1-3 children depending upon the day, but I know IT WILL HAPPEN!!!!!
it will right!? it has to!!

amy wright said...

All the mothers are shaking their heads up and down with you right now. And I'm praying for you.

Janis said...

think of it like this...she's BOUND to do it before your younger brother! Remember, we were still working with him at age four? He's my only child who always thanked me for changing a diaper! :-)

Janis said...

I should have said "youngest" not "younger"

Brittney said...

I love your perspective! Nothing leaves me more baffled and in need of my God than being not-enough for my little boy. Interesting how he arranged that.