Sunday, December 7, 2008

Urgent Prayer Request

Janis just called and asked me to post an urgent prayer request. They changed the antibiotic today that they were giving Emily for an infection. Apparently, she was allergic to it. She's pretty miserable. They've begun flushing it out of her system. So pray that God removes the effects of this antibiotic and that they find one that works for her.


Anonymous said...

Praying that the antibiotics are already out of her system and that they will find one TODAY that fights her infection quickly and without side effects/allergic reactions!

Becky Dietz said...

I'm praying you have a GREAT day today! I'm praying you're completely over the side effects of that rotten antibiotic and on your way to going home!

Sandra said...

I'm agreeing in prayer with the other comments. Praying that the antibiotics are completely out of your system and that you are on your way to good health!

amy wright said...

I hope that you are better by now!

Anonymous said...
