Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We Got It!!!

Emily's getting the private room in I.C.U.!!! WOO-HOO!! The nurses were waiting for the other patient to move to a regular room and had some time on their hands, so they came in and gave Emily the "spa treatment" while she waited. One nurse french braided her hair, another massaged her, etc. So Emily was feeling very special this morning. She did tell Janis that she felt like she'd done 100 sit-ups yesterday---her abdomen was really sore from sitting up for 15 minutes on the side of the bed and then standing.
They were expecting 3 lung transplant patients and 2 heart transplant patients to arrive at the I.C.U. this morning. So there are lots of needs out there. Be praying for those patients and their families, too.
When Emily gets settled in her new room, she will have the cap put on her trach and have her daily "workout" where she has to breathe hard on her own.
Thank you for praying!! Thank you for showing this family how much you love them and for helping with their needs. We sincerely wouldn't want to walk this without you. You bless us.

Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering our prayers and for giving Emily favor today. We praise You for meeting her needs by giving her this room. Now we ask that it won't be long before Emily gets to see her babies, God. Thank You! We praise You!! In Jesus' name, Amen.


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for the answer to prayers about the private room. We pray that this will mean wonderful rest for Emily and Janis. And how awesome that her precious children can visit their mommy now. Thank you again, Jesus!!
Karen and Ron

Anonymous said...

WooHoo!!!!!!!!!!! God is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus!!! I pray enormous blessing and rest on E and J now that they can sleep with no noise and interuptions. Also, bless the Respirstory Therapist that was such an advocate for Em to get the private room. She went above and beyond and I ask that you bless her proportionately! WE LOVE YOU FOR being YOU!

Joshua says:

I love you Aunt Emily....I like to move it move it...I like to move it move it..I like to move it move it...I like to move it. Will you please let me cousins come play and can I ride in your helicpoter with you?:)